Baldivis Advanced Surgery Center

Referral surgery right here in Baldivis! We have an entire surgical Suite dedicated to Advanced Pet Surgery.


We offer a wide range of services including Veterinary Ophthalmology, Surgery, Cardiology, Dentistry, Oncology and Dermatology.

Baldivis Advanced Surgery Centre

Cruciate Ligament Repair

The most common referral surgery is a cruciate ligament repair.

A Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO) is our preferred technique for repair of a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament (“acl” in humans). The TPLO surgery is the procedure that will give your pet the best prognosis for being able to chase the ball again following a cruciate rupture.

Dr Stephen Rabie from Advanced Surgery is a veteran of more than 1000 Tibial Osteotomy procedures. Dr Rabie will examine your dog, examine the radiographs and recommend the procedure that will give your pet the best outcome. The TPLO surgery is a sophisticated procedure that involves realignment of the tibial plateau and Dr Rabie is precise at cutting the bone so as the end result has a seamless appearance and an environment accelerated healing.

Common Cruciate Surgeries

Cruciate repair TTO surgery

Cruciate repair TTO surgery


Cruciate repair TPLO surgery

Cruciate repair TPLO surgery


ACL Rupture

ACL Rupture

Fracture Repair

A successful fracture repair will give your pet an opportunity for accelerated healing and normal athletic function.

Every fracture is different and choosing the correct method for repair and precise surgery is essential. We want your pet to have the opportunity of an athletic life and Veterinarians at the Advanced Surgery Centre will guide you in making the best choices for your pet.

Your pet will experience love and excellent veterinary care combined with the latest in advanced surgical techniques right here in Baldivis.

Referral Surgical Procedures

You are welcome to visit us with or without a referral.

The Advanced Surgery Centre is available for referral surgery and this is certainly not limited to orthopaedic surgery. Common surgical procedures include abdominal surgery, tumour removal, ear canal ablation and many other procedures.


Ophthalmology and Eye Surgery

Dr Rob Harris is passionate about preserving vision in his patients.

Dr Harris is available at Baldivis Vet Hospital most Wednesday’s and other days for emergency surgery. Dr Harris has the expertise for comprehensive examinations and surgical procedures including cataract surgery.

Arthroscopy Procedure

With an entire surgical suite dedicated to Advanced Surgery Baldivis Vet offers everything from cruciate ligament surgery to fracture repairs and now, Veterinary Arthroscopy.

Arthroscopic surgery is a procedure that is used to examine and repair the joints of a dog via a surgical camera as little as 1.9 mm!

Joints that are routinely inspected and treated by arthroscopy are the shoulder and elbow, allowing the Veterinarian to have a detailed assessment of the joint in a minimally invasive fashion. It also helps avoid some of the risks and discomfort that can be associated with traditional, more extensive ‘open’ surgery. Recently introducing veterinary arthroscopy to the clinic, Baldivis Vet is now one of a very few centre’s in Perth that can offer the procedure.

Arthroscopy can be used for diagnostic purposes, especially if radiology has not revealed the cause of joint issues. An arthroscopic camera is inserted into the dog through a small portal incision for visualisation. The advantages of Arthroscopic surgery include reduced postoperative pain, accelerated recovery and a high success rate.

Book in to meet Dr Stephen and the Advanced Surgery Centre team today for an initial $74.50 consult.

Bookings are available by calling (08)9524 1466.

Other Surgeries

We carry out a wide range of surgeries here at our Advanced Surgery Centre. In addition we have excellent digital direct radiographs and Ultrasounds to assist with diagnosis.

  • ACL Rupture
  • Cruciate repair TTO surgery
  • Cruciate repair TPLO surgery
  • Fracture Repair – Broken Leg
  • Abdominal Surgery
  • Eye Surgery
  • Ear Surgery
  • Other General Surgeries
  • Premium Routine Surgeries
  • Castrations and Speys

We have experienced surgeons with gentle hands to carryout the procedures. The love and care of our patients will continue 24 hours every day, including weekends and public holidays.

Download Advanced Surgery Centre Brochure!

Meet our Surgeons


Surgery FAQs

How do I make an appointment/booking?

We ask that you please make an appointment prior to seeing us so that we can ensure your waiting time is minimised. Of course, if you have an emergency you can bring your pet straight in.

You can book an appointment via phone (08 9524 1466), email (  or through our new online bookings feature.

How do I get to Baldivis?
Can I just turn up on the day?

Yes of course! You are welcome to visit us with or without a referral.
We do however, recommend calling us or making an online booking prior to your visit.

What is your cancellation policy?

Baldivis Advanced Surgery Centre is located at Baldivis Vet Hospital on the corner of Safety Bay Road and Baldivis Road in Baldivis.

Contact Us

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